Mondo content statistics
Mondo Statistics¶
The Mondo statistics include:
- disease classes
- terms with definitions
- xrefs
- exact, related, narrow, and broad synonyms
- rare diseases
- cancer diseases
- infectious diseases
- hereditary diseases
When creating the stats, a set of SPARQL queries are run on the reasoned version of Mondo. This reasoned version of Mondo is created from the most recent version of mondo-edit.obo
in your current GitHub branch.
Create Mondo Stats¶
Create Mondo stats from the mondo/src/ontology
directory as:
sh make create-mondo-stats
The result file is created in mondo/src/ontology/reports/mondo_stats
. This file is ignored by git so you will not see it highlighted as a changed file.
SPARQL Queries¶
All queries used to create the Mondo statistics are in the src/sparql/mondo_stats/
Disease terms¶
- Definition = all unique non-obsolete classes (asserted and inferred) that are children of MONDO:0000001 disease and have a MONDO CURIE, i.e. the IRI starts with
- SPARQL query - see
Term definitions¶
- Definition = all unique non-obsolete classes (asserted and inferred) that are children of MONDO:0000001 disease that have a MONDO CURIE and have a definition
- SPARQL query - see
Database cross references¶
- Definition = count of all xrefs that are found on all unique non-obsolete classes (asserted and inferred) that are children of MONDO:0000001 disease and have a MONDO CURIE
- SPARQL query -
Exact Synonyms¶
- Definition = count of all exact synonyms that are found on all unique non-obsolete classes (asserted and inferred) that are children of MONDO:0000001 disease and have a MONDO CURIE
- SPARQL query - see
Related synonyms¶
- Definition = count of all related synonyms that are found on all unique non-obsolete classes (asserted and inferred) that are children of MONDO:0000001 disease and have a MONDO CURIE
- SPARQL query - see
Narrow Synonyms¶
- Definition = count of all narrow synonyms that are found on all unique non-obsolete classes (asserted and inferred) that are children of MONDO:0000001 disease and have a MONDO CURIE
- SPARQL query - see
Broad Synonyms¶
- Definition = count of all broad synonyms that are found on all unique non-obsolete classes (asserted and inferred) that are children of MONDO:0000001 disease and have a MONDO CURIE
- SPARQL query - see
Rare Diseases¶
- Definition = all unique non-obsolete classes (asserted or inferred) that are children of MONDO:0000001 disease and are in the "rare" subset
- SPARQL query - see
Infectious Diseases¶
- Definition = all unique non-obsolete classes (asserted or inferred) that are children of of MONDO:0005550 'infectious disease' and have a Mondo CURIE
- SPARQL query - see
Cancer Diseases¶
- Definition = all unique non-obsolete classes (asserted or inferred) that are children of of MONDO:0045024 'cancer or benign tumor' and have a Mondo CURIE
- SPARQL query - see
Mendelian Diseases¶
- Definition = all unique non-obsolete classes (asserted or inferred) that are children of MONDO:0003847 'hereditary disease' and have a Mondo CURIE
- SPARQL query - see
Query Execution¶
This section includes examples of how to run an individual statistics query and how all queries can be run together as specified
in the create-mondo-stats
make goal.
Run Individual Query¶
Any query can be run individually with the general pattern of:
robot query -i reasoned.owl -q ../sparql/mondo_stats/<MY-QUERY-OF-INTEREST.sparql> <RESULTS.csv>
Working example:
$ robot query -i reasoned.owl -q ../sparql/mondo_stats/COUNT-disease-classes.sparql ../sparql/reports/mondo_stats/diseaseClass_count.tsv
Run multiple ROBOT queries in one command¶
robot query --input reasoned.owl \
--query ../sparql/mondo_stats/COUNT-classes.sparql ../sparql/reports/mondo_stats/tmp_01_class_count.tsv \
--query ../sparql/mondo_stats/COUNT-classes-with-definitions.sparql ../sparql/reports/mondo_stats/tmp_03_classDefinition_count.tsv \
--query ../sparql/mondo_stats/COUNT-xrefs.sparql ../sparql/reports/mondo_stats/tmp_02_xref_count.tsv \
--query ../sparql/mondo_stats/COUNT-exact-synonyms.sparql ../sparql/reports/mondo_stats/tmp_04_exactSynonym_count.tsv \
--query ../sparql/mondo_stats/COUNT-related-synonyms.sparql ../sparql/reports/mondo_stats/tmp_05_relatedSynonym_count.tsv \
--query ../sparql/mondo_stats/COUNT-narrow-synonyms.sparql ../sparql/reports/mondo_stats/tmp_06_narrowSynonym_count.tsv \
--query ../sparql/mondo_stats/COUNT-broad-synonyms.sparql ../sparql/reports/mondo_stats/tmp_07_broadSynonym_count.tsv \
--query ../sparql/mondo_stats/COUNT-rare-diseases-classes.sparql ../sparql/reports/mondo_stats/tmp_08_rareDiseaseClass_count.tsv \
--query ../sparql/mondo_stats/COUNT-infectious-diseases.sparql ../sparql/reports/mondo_stats/tmp_09_infectiousDiseaseClass_count.tsv \
--query ../sparql/mondo_stats/COUNT-cancer-diseases.sparql ../sparql/reports/mondo_stats/tmp_10_cancerDiseaseClass_count.tsv \
--query ../sparql/mondo_stats/COUNT-hereditary-diseases.sparql ../sparql/reports/mondo_stats/tmp_11_hereditaryDiseaseClass_count.tsv
NOTE: A number was included in the result file name so the combined file will have the contents in the desired order of information.
- Combine all "tmp_" result files into 1 file
echo "All Combined Results created on: $(date)" > ../sparql/reports/mondo_stats/all_mondo_stats.txt
cat ../sparql/reports/mondo_stats/tmp_* >> ../sparql/reports/mondo_stats/all_mondo_stats.txt
- Remove all "tmp_" result files
rm ../sparql/reports/mondo_stats/tmp_*